After a short-term trip to Panama at the age of fifteen, I was fairly convinced that God was calling me to long-term missions. I traveled frequently throughout high school and college, even spending a semester of college in Africa. Once I graduated from Goshen College with a degree in nursing I moved to Carmel, IN to become a pediatric nurse at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. I quickly became highly involved in my church and at work and was very satisfied with my life. God rocked my world in January of 2010 when an earthquake devastated Haiti. I had no desire to go to Haiti, but responded to a need for more medical personnel on a week long trip with my church right after the earthquake. After this trip, I was hooked and traveled to Haiti every few months over the next year. I was determined throughout this time that God was not calling me to move and leave my life in Indiana. Gradually I recognized that my passion for Haiti was only growing and that it was time to listen to the call of God and leave the comfort of Indiana. I moved to Haiti in September of 2011 and have been working as a registered nurse with NVM ever since.