Our Mission:
Moving people from darkness to light; from hopelessness to eternal life.
Our founder Pastor Esperandieu Pierre and his wife Dianne Pierre visited the village of Chambrun for the first time in 2004. Upon seeing the state of the community, they realized they could not ignore it; more importantly that God did not plan to let them. A year later “Nehemiah Christian Academy” was born as a 3-room schoolhouse in the village, a few teachers were hired, 25 children were enrolled, and our story began
By 2010 they had outgrown the little schoolhouse with over 100 students, and moved down the road into two new buildings that functioned as the main school building and separate office building on what is now our present day campus. Then the earthquake hit. As the eyes of the world were on Haiti help and resources poured in as never before, and NVM experienced rapid growth while seeking to meet the many surrounding needs.
Student numbers grew to over 400, a medical clinic was opened, a dining hall was built, and plans to provide a place for short-term mission teams to stay were now underway.
Fast forward to present day and the Lord has blessed and grown NVM in ways we could have never imagined. There are over 400 students enrolled at Nehemiah Christian Academy. The little clinic grew into a full healthcare center that is currently closed due to polical instability. We have hopes of reopening our main clinic, nutrition clinic, dental clinic, and mobile medical clinics.