It’s official- our high school classes are up and running in the new upstairs wing!
We still cannot believe it. This has been something NVM has prayed over for years, and watching it come to life before our eyes has been an incredible experience. A huge thank you to the teams that gave up their time and energy to be a part of helping us prepare this space.

It is our prayer that this will help us to better pour into the hearts’ and minds’ of our students. We are so in awe of God as we look back on where Nehemiah Christian Academy started with its first 25 students to the 400+ He’s charged us with today! We seek to approach the blessings He has poured out on us with gratitude and humility as we are eager to pour those blessings back out directly into His children.

Here is to many more years of education and growth, for and through NVM!

Mesi Bondye!!!