NVM friends & family we are SO excited to announce that we will be adding high school levels to our school system!
Starting this upcoming school year of 2018/2019 our students will have the opportunity to advance to further high school levels here in Haiti. Our goal is to continue adding on with each coming year, so that our students are able to receive their full high school education here. This has been an answer to so many prayers and we give thanks to God for His goodness, & for His blessings. When Nehemiah Christian Academy started in 2005 there were only 25 students in attendance… Now there are over 400!!! The impact this will have on the current & future generations is surreal.
As Pastor Pierre put it,
‘High school will expand the horizon for the kids in the community; before they were limited to finish up thru 6th grade & then 9th grade. Now Nehemiah Christian Academy is planning to offer up thru 12th grade. We are opening a door of opportunity that has not been available to this community before-‘ ‘This will give our students the opportunity to be prepared to go onto University or to become self sustaining through employment. We are providing something that is huge & something that is great. Most importantly something that will help them become what God has intended them to be with no restrictions, no limitations.’
All of this is a pretty big deal- but what makes it even better is that all of our ninth grade students passed their state exams and will be able to move onto the tenth grade class we are adding!!! Talk about God’s timing!
Ecclesiastes 3 says- there is a time for everything under heaven; now is most certainly a time for celebrating!!!
The construction crew has been hard at work day in & day out to get the high school space ready for our kids- we cannot wait to unveil it!

We want to thank each & every one of you- without so many brothers & sisters that share in our love for these kids this would all still be a dream on paper. It is our prayer that we will all continue to bring darkness to light, & hopelessness to enteral life. For today, that light is shining a bit brighter in each of our students.
Bondye se bon! (God is good!)