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Annual Fund Campaign - 2022 Excellence in Education

We are excited as we are preparing for our first senior class (NS4) National Exams. It is hard to believe that the date is only 2 months away.  We couldn't be more proud of our students, our teachers, and our school. But first...we must prepare our finances to make sure our school is around for many many years to come. Today we launch our Annual Fund Campaign, and once again our focus is EDUCATION.

This year in our Annual Fund Campaign we are asking you to join in and help us meet our financial needs for supplies, benches, teacher training, and special events. Our total goal will be $15,000.

We will share with you over the next two weeks how you can invest, today we start with school benches.  We are in need of replacing many school benches in our classrooms.  For $150 you can purchase a bench for a classroom in our Chambrun/ Grand Rac schools.  Would you consider a one time gift to the Annual Fund Campaign, or if you want a long time investment into education you can sponsor one of the students in our schools. Sponsorship is $40/mo or $480/year.  Either way, by investing in their future, you are telling them you believe in their future. Join us this year by investing into the life of a child so that they may continue their education. 


We have raised $15,750.00 of our $15,000.00  goal.

We need to replace and add new benches to our schools in Chambrun and Grand Rac. Will you consider a one time donation to purchase a bench?  The bench materials will be bought in Haiti and constructed by Boss Amos, many of you remember his smiling face on campus. So not only are you providing benches for the students you will be providing Boss Amos with a paying contract job. Thank you for considering this investment in education in Haiti.

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