You're Invited - Gala 2020 ESPWA (hope)
Join the Nehemiah Vision Ministries family for a unique behind the scenes look at NVM at this year's virtual Espwa Gala. Join Pastor Pierre, Brooke, Clerice & Emily and the whole NVM family on Thursday November 12th. From the comfort of your couch you can jump on for 40 minutes to learn about what is happening at NVM and have the opportunity to see & hear how God continues to move in Haiti despite yet another challenging year. We invite you to join us in fellowship, worship and partnership, to come together and BE A GIVER OF HOPE. You do not want to miss this evening linking arms and witnessing radical generosity all to benefit our ministries which are still working daily in Haiti.
SAVE THE DATE (Thursday November 12th) & watch for more information about this one of a kind evening you do not want to miss!!
The first 100 guests to register will be entered into a drawing to win a gift basket of Haitian swag.