The government extended the confinement period to the end of July 2020. It has also
banned gatherings exceeding 5 people, with threat of imprisonment and a fine for
anyone who violates this principle.
According to the government, at the end of July, they will reassess the situation and
decide on the new decision to be taken against the corona virus.
Meanwhile, the Minister of National Education has planned to reopen the school year
for early August 2020. According to him, the school year will end at the end of
September 2020, and the official exams will take place in octobre (5-9th octobre).
And the 2020-2021 school year will start on November 9, 2020.
However, he says that if the situation of the country facing the corona virus worsens
and that the confinement continues in August 2020, the school will open from
September 3rd to October 30, 2020. The official exams will be done in November
2020 (1-5 November 2020), and the 2020-2021 school year will start on December 7,
The Chambrun school is not open. However, all students have received a homework packet
as of Tuesday, May 19, 2020, on which they must work during the confinement
The pupils of the 9th fundamental year, who must undergo the official examinations,
received a weekly program with duty to submit every week. They come to campus
every Tuesday, not to sit in the classroom, but to hand in their homework and receive
others for the new week. This is done for the sake of developing them, pending the
official exams to come.
Haiti is currently reporting 219 cases as of 5.13.2020, the numbers up significantly since last month. But likely still not accurate. Here is a recent publication on Covid -19 in Haiti. We are still not seeing or hearing of cases in Chambrun. Campus is working under the guidelines of social distancing; Clinic is running, church is meeting in small groups and staff are using good hygeine practices and social distancing while on campus. We continue to pray that the virus will not have a direct hit in Haiti.
Haiti is reporting only 40 cases and 3 deaths as of today. But many suspect that there is a lack of testing available and many are afraid to be tested. There are threats made on people who are suspected to have the virus as folks are afraid of it spreading through that person. Please pray for the fear mongering to halt.
School is still paused, factories are closed & the church doors are closed. Many are practicing not greeting each other with an embrace or a handshake, some are wearing masks. (Our kiddos in the Children's Home made their own masks) But overfilled tap taps continue to run, the open markets are operating, because let's face it folks need to have access to food as they do not have pantries or freezers to stock up. Many aspects of life in Haiti are still moving on as usual. Please pray for our friends and families as food prices continue to soar making it difficult for many of those in our communities.
We have not seen that Covid-19 has arrived in Chamrbun. We continue to educate our families about hand washing, social distancing and the like. Please continue to pray with us that Haiti will be spared a direct hit of this virus.
As the world is in a time which we have never seen with this new virus Covid -19, Haiti is not immune and we have seen our first cases affirmed. Although there is so much uncertainty and things are changing daily we at NVM are still in the business of serving and being the hands and feet of Christ.
We are busy prepping the campus, staff, and church on how to be safe and remain healthy by taking the following actions:
· We sent the children home with homework on Friday and closed the schools
· We have added hand washing stations at the gate for all to use before entering campus
· We limited our clinic to 40 patients and are sanitizing between patients
· We taught our church proper hand washing, social distancing, and we broke them into small groups of 10 or less to encourage one another and to pray in the coming weeks that we cannot attend church together.
The safety of our staff and our community is our utmost priority, however we are doing our part to continue to safely serve our communities. Will you continue to join us in prayer? May we stay on our knees, have faith, and continue to press on and be a light in the darkness.
How Can We Pray for YOU...
Please send prayer request to church@nvm.org and our church leaders will be praying over these requests. Know we continue praying for our church partners as well as all of our friends who are on the front lines as healthcare workers. You have loved, supported and served us so deeply over the years, we are praying daily over you. Thank you for fighting in this crisis.
Pressing On...
Though we have recently made some tough decisions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this virus will not stop our commitment to serving the beautiful people of Chambrun and beyond. Those who depend on us most cannot wait for “normalcy” to arrive.
Especially in times of crisis, our work is so desperately needed and your support is appreciated now more than ever. Right now our priority is to maintain our responsibilities to our staff & to help the families we are ministering to by reducing the spread of the virus - which may be through distributing hand washing stations, soap/bleach, food, medications. Please consider making a contribution to help Nehemiah continue to be a light in the darkness during this crisis. DONATE TODAY