WOW, you all blew us away. Our campaign was fully funded! Thanks to you our friends and partners we are able to use the above and beyond funds to help provide a school lunch for our 400+ students for the month of May. With the children not being in school one of the biggest struggles we hear is that the kiddos are just not getting fed like they would if they were in school. Parents are not able to work during this quarantine, inflation is through the roof making dollars not stretch far enough. With your generosity we are going to be delivering raw materials for the kiddos to have lunch at home. Rice, beans and cooking oil. Pictures to come. Thank you for participating in this years Annual Fund Campaign. 5.14.2020
This is the time of year that we normally run our Annual Fund Campaign....and we planned and worked hard on the marketing and story telling. We were excited to share that this year the campaign would be focused on the Nehemiah Worship Chapel. A favorite experience & memory for so many of our visitors. We were going to share with you all the great things going on with the church, leadership and youth.
But, at this time of worry and uncertainty for us all, we recognize that our needs have changed and they may need to adjust quickly again if the virus moves into Chambrun. What does that mean? Well, we are going to ask you, our family & friends, to trust us with the Annual Campaign Funds. We are still going to run the Annual Fund Campaign as the need is real, we have already seen a significant loss in funding and we are making cuts where we can, but know that our leadership team will steward your donations where they are needed most. That may mean helping fight the spread of Covid-19 (hand washing stations), providing resources (food, meds, etc) to those families we are ministering or helping keep a program (church) a float until this crisis passes. We thank you for your continued partnership! Together we will overcome these challenging times, together we will continue to be a light.