On August 17th through the 21st the church here at the NVM Haiti Campus went on its very first mission trip! The group of 20 individuals traveled to an area by the name of Hinche and spent the time there evangelizing, encouraging, and praying over the people they met.
They visited 80 homes during the trip and witnessed 7 people commit their lives to Christ!
"It was a joy to see our church members sharing their faith, expressing compassion for the people, casting out demons and seeing healing take place.
Both families and our church team were all excited about the ministry time.As a habit, our church team met nightly for a time of debriefing and sharing their highs and lows of the day. During one of those nights the Lord reminded me of Luke 10:20 which says 'Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice that your name is written in heaven.' (NKJV)
There was indeed a deep connection and many friendships were formed during our time at Hinche. It was sad to leave the village and return home, however after a time of fellowship, singing and prayer with shed tears on the last day, our team left with a desire and hope to see them again next year “for such a time as this”.
We have now scheduled from August 15th - 22nd 2020, for our church to be engaged in another fruitful outreach. We thank those who have prayed and have given to make our first outreach possible and we pray 100 fold blessing over each one of you. Our intention is to return with more church members next year, with caring kits, bibles and brochures as we share the powerful Word of
God." - Pastor Pierre
We love getting to share what the church in Haiti has been up to! Mesi Anpil Jezi!