For the past three years Adam has served as the Missions Director and Kristin has served as English Camp Director; but they’ve also served alongside us in so many more ways than those “titles” would tell you the story of.
Their family has touched the lives’ of so many, from our staff team, to the children in Chambrun they have poured so much love into, all the way to individuals across the US that crossed paths with them on short term trips. Their story in Haiti is full of life and love in extremes and we are honored to have shared in it.
As this season closes for them and they head back stateside, it is our hope and prayer that they would have new doors flung open. And that their time in Haiti, with all they experienced here would be a stepping stone into all the amazing things God has in store for them. There will never be enough thanks we could give to them for giving us the gift of these past three years.
But we will try. So to Adam, Kristin, Samantha, and Connor: Thank you for your time. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your hearts’ and for pouring yourselves into this place. Though you will be missed, we are so excited to see what you will do next- we know it’s going to be amazing.