Letter from President 10 July, 2018
To the Greater NVM Family –
For the past weekend, Dianne and I, serving as the President and Co-Founder of Nehemiah Vision Ministries, have been on campus and have observed the troubles that the capital city of Port-au-Prince has been experiencing with looting and property damage. This situation resulted when the government of Haiti decided to increase the price of gas. The people were upset and in an act of protest, started causing problems in the city. Nevertheless, our campus which is located about 15 miles away from the capital, has not experienced any of the challenges shown in the recent media coverage.
NVM had two short-term teams on campus last week who were able to conduct all aspects of life and ministry – except for limited access to the airport – which wound up closing over the weekend due to the challenges of access. The President made a public announcement rescinding the fuel price increases and by Monday morning everything was back open and life has returned to normal. The events of the weekend only affected the downtown portions of the capital city of Port-au-Prince, not the outskirts or the country side or the rest of the nation.
We, as the responsible leadership of NVM, want to extend a continuous welcome of our partners and teams who are scheduled to join us here on campus. Everything is safe and secure. We want to assure everyone that we have not been affected at NVM and we want our teams to continue with plans to join us and to serve. We have provisions in place to insure safe travel to and from the airport and to maintain ministry as planned. All of our programs continued uninterrupted through the weekend. English camp, church and construction are all going on uninterrupted. One of the teams not able to leave over the weekend was able to fly out on Monday, the other is scheduled to leave on Thursday – and all is well.
We need our partners to please continue to pray and maintain their commitment to NVM as we help to move people from darkness to light and from hopelessness to eternal life. We are very optimistic and would not invite anyone to come to Haiti and serve if we felt that there would be trouble and we are very optimistic that God will continue a good work until completion. We ask you to continue with your plans to come and serve. We have things in place to insure that you can move from the airport to the campus, serve and then return to the airport safely. We value the sacrificed time away from your families and loved ones.
Thank you very much. We are here with you and we look forward to you continued partnership.
Pastor Esperandieu Pierre
President and Founder